CUPE Equality Statement

Union solidarity is based on the principle that union members are equal and deserve mutual respect at all levels. Any behaviour that creates conflict prevents us from working together to strengthen our union.

As unionists, mutual respect, cooperation and understanding are our goals. We should neither condone nor tolerate behaviour that undermines the dignity or self-esteem of any individual or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.

Discriminatory speech or conduct which is racist, sexist, transphobic or homophobic hurts and thereby divides us. So too, does discrimination on the basis of ability, age, class, religion, language and ethnic origin.

Sometimes discrimination takes the form of harassment. Harassment means using real or perceived power to abuse, devalue or humiliate. Harassment should not be treated as a joke. The uneasiness and resentment that it creates are not feelings that help us grow as a union.

Discrimination and harassment focus on characteristics that make us different; and they reduce our capacity to work together on shared concerns such as decent wages, safe working conditions, and justice in the workplace, society and in our union.

CUPE’s policies and practices must reflect our commitment to equality. Members, staff and elected officers must be mindful that all persons deserve dignity, equality and respect.


Territorial Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that we are gathering on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabek [AhhNishNahBeck]), Haudenosaunee [HoeDenayShowNay], Huron-Wendat, Attawandaron and Lunaapew [Luh-nay-PAY] Indigenous peoples.

This territory is covered by the Upper Canada Treaties and the London Township Purchase of 1796 also known as the London Treaty.

The three First Nations communities closest in proximity to our city are: Chippewa of the Thames First Nation (part of the Anishinaabek [AhhNishNahBeck]); Oneida Nation of the Thames (part of the Haudenosaunee [HoeDenayShowNay]); and, Munsee-Delaware Nation (part of the Lunaapew [Luh-nay-PAY]).
We’re grateful for the opportunity to meet here and we thank all the generations of people who have taken care of this land – for thousands of years.

With a spirit of generosity and commitment to reconciliation, may we proceed [this evening] and as we move forward, with respect, peace and authenticity towards all our brothers and sisters and recognize our own responsibility in the stewardship of this land.

Executive and Stewards

2024-2025 Executive

President – Diana Szabo
Vice President – Kate Scarfe
Head Steward – Liz Perkins
Treasurer – Courtney Robinson
Secretary – Kristen Caschera
EDI Member-at-Large – Taffy Maposa

Sergeant at Arms – Vanessa Rommens


  • Trustee (3 year) – Colleen Amatruda
  • Trustee (2 year) – Kevin Davidson
  • Trustee (1 year) – Michelle Devos


Rebecca Faber
Liz Perkins (Head Steward)
Kate Scarfe
Ashleigh Suter
Rachel Weisdorf

Museum London Executive

Unit Chair – Kevin Zacher
Steward – Janette Cousins Ewan
Steward – Krista Hamlin (on leave)

Eldon House Executive

Unit Chair – Nikki Michienzi
Steward – Brenna Ardiel


Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

  • Taffy Maposa (chair)
  • Jamie McLellan
  • Vanessa Rommens
  • Nelson Rosales
  • Lana Winchester-Tucker

Grievance Committee (Stewards)

  • Liz Perkins (Head Steward)
  • Rebecca Faber
  • Kate Scarfe
  • Ashleigh Suter
  • Rachel Weisdorf

Health & Safety Committee

  • Diana Szabo (co-chair)
  • Ashley Howes
  • Anita-Grace Laye-Lagerwerf

Job Evaluation Committee

  • Jodi Lewis (co-chair)
  • Courtney Robinson
  • Kate Scarfe
  • Colleen Amatruda (alternate)
  • Kara McKeown (alternate)

Negotiating Committee

  • Colleen Amatruda (chair)
  • Kristen Caschera
  • Liz Perkins
  • Kate Scarfe
  • Diana Szabo

Union-Management Committee

  • Kristen Caschera
  • Liz Perkins
  • Diana Szabo
  • Lana Winchester-Tucker

Volunteer Committee

  • Laurie Blackley
  • Elaine Minc
  • Natalie Sparkman
  • Karen Suderman


What we do

Our Branches

1280 Huron St.
London ON N5Y 4M2

501 Southdale Rd. W.
London ON N6K 3X4

1295 Commissioners Rd. W.
London ON N6K 1C9

465 Quebec St.
London ON N5W 3Y4

251 Dundas St.
London ON N6A 6H9

301 Oxford St. W.
London ON N6H 1S6

550 Hamilton Rd.
London ON N5Z 1S4

East London
2016 Dundas St. E.
London ON N5V 1R1

2950 Glanworth Rd.
London ON N6N 1N6

1119 Jalna Blvd.
London ON N6E 3B3

7112 Beattie St.
London ON N6P 1A2

167 Wortley Rd.London ON N6C 3P6

30 North Centre Rd.London ON N5X 3W1

Pond Mills
1166 Commissioners Rd. E.
London ON N5Z 4W8

1225 Wonderland Rd. N.
London ON 6G 2V9

Stoney Creek
920 Sunningdale Rd. E.
London ON N5X 0H5